UnitedHealthcare Provider Portal
Currently many of you use email as a portal recovery and multifactor authentication method. Effective March 18, 2025, this option won’t be available. Be prepared: review your options now.
A program for health care professionals to help more members receive care at a time when many hospitals are overburdened, UnitedHealthcare is accepting the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Acute Hospital Care at Home program waiver for qualifying facilities/professionals, and Medicare and Medicaid claims.
In November 2020, as part of Acute Hospital Care at Home, CMS waived a previous Medicare Conditions of Participation requirement. The waiver allows qualifying hospitals to receive inpatient payment for providing acute-level services to Medicare beneficiaries in their homes.
Additional information on the program is available on the CMS website.
To meet the standards of a qualifying Medicare claim for the Acute Hospital Care at Home program, facilities must have received a waiver from CMS.
CMS is accepting waiver requests to waive §482.23(b) and (b)(1) of the Hospital Conditions of Participation, which require nursing services to be provided on premises 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and the immediate availability of a registered nurse for care of any patient.
Waiver requests will be divided into 2 categories based on a hospital’s prior experience:
Please review the complete waiver criteria and process and the list of approved hospitals and health systems.
Please note: Each hospital certified to provide care to Medicare members has a unique CMS Certification Number (CCN). Each hospital seeking to provide Acute Hospital Care at Home must submit the waiver request under its unique CCN. For example, if a hospital system has 7 hospitals, but only 2 of the hospitals admit patients who use Acute Hospital Care at Home services, 2 separate waiver requests must be submitted.
Acute Hospital Care at Home services are a covered benefit in the following UnitedHealthcare benefit plans only:
The following UnitedHealthcare plans are out of scope for participation in the Acute Hospital Care at Home waiver program. Any claims for program services submitted for these plans may be denied:
We will continue to accept qualifying claims for Acute Hospital Care at Home services provided to beneficiaries of these plans through Dec. 31, 2024, as outlined through the Consolidated Appropriations Act. Unless mandated by state regulations, members in Medicaid plans are ineligible for participation.
Please review the information below for details. If you have specific billing or claims questions, please contact your provider advocate or network engagement manager.
In addition to meeting all CMS requirements related to the Acute Hospital Care at Home program, qualifying claims must also meet the following UnitedHealthcare criteria:
Please note:
The benefits and processes described on this website apply pursuant to federal requirements. Additional benefits or limitations may apply in some states and under some plans.
We will adjudicate benefits in accordance with the member’s health plan.