
March 13, 2025 at 3:30 PM CT

UnitedHealthcare Provider Portal
Currently many of you use email as a portal recovery and multifactor authentication method. Effective March 18, 2025, this option won’t be available. Be prepared: review your options now.

UnitedHealthcare Cancer Support Program

The UnitedHealthcare Cancer Support Program provides individualized coaching and education for adult and pediatric patients who may be at high risk for treatment complications or side effects. Our experienced oncology nurse case managers collaborate with you to help support and reinforce the treatment plan you’ve developed with our doctor, and provide information and resources to patients.

The UnitedHealthcare Cancer Support Program currently assists more than 30,000 cancer patients annually1 and our oncology nurse case managers have a 99% member satisfaction2 rate.

Member eligibility

To participate in the program, members must have both:

  • A benefit plan that includes the Cancer Support Program
  • Active cancer treatment or end-stage management

A member already enrolled in hospice would not be appropriate for the program.

Make a referral

Call 866-936-6002 to refer eligible UnitedHealthcare members to the program. To make a referral, you will need their:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Date of birth

Once the referral is made, a nurse case manager will:

  • Reach out to the member to get them started with the program
  • Send a letter notifying the referring provider of their patient’s participation
  • Contact the referring provider for clinical information to use to help manage and coordinate the member’s cancer care

How the program supports your work with patients

The individualized coaching and education available through the Cancer Support Program can help fill gaps that you may not have the time or resources to address.

Care coordination and management

  • Provide information to encourage your patient’s active participation in their care
  • Emphasize the importance of symptom management
  • Enable patients to communicate changes in health status to you before symptoms escalate
  • Help reduce complications related to the cancer diagnosis and treatments through targeted and timely interventions

Education and support

  • Help coordinate care and benefit issues
  • Help support patients and their caregivers with clinical and psycho-social needs, in collaboration with program social workers and other resources
  • Provide access to an online library of articles, video courses and easy-to-use tools curated by clinicians to help assist with symptom management and overall health
  • Help increase awareness and informed choices about hospice and palliative care toward the end of life

Call 866-936-6002, Monday–Friday, 7 a.m.–7 p.m. CT.

*This program is not available in all health plans.

1Optum Engagement Database

2Burke Digital Dashboard – FY 2021